Tuesday, February 10, 2009

First Workshop

We completed our fist workshop on Monday at the Catskill middle school.
It was a great success! 52 students participated from the Cairo -Durham school as well as Catskill Middle and elementary schools.
We are expecting students from Coxsackie-Athens in our next workshop as well.
After getting everyone checked in with a personal River of Dreams photo ID David Little and Tina Ghubril worked on some theater games that are designed to break down barriers and get to know the actors. It was all great fun as well as useful performance work. A picture game was played where groups chose a story and had to create five snap shots from the story and present it to the rest of the group. Then the group had to guess which story it was from.
They guessed right every time. The group also did some writing inspired by a line from the song "River of Dreams" that has been written for the show. There were some fantastic thoughts that the students shared from the writing.
We had some parents and teachers observing and all were impressed at the level of involvement and imagination that was on the stage. 
Our next workshop will be on Monday February 23 at Catskill Middle School at 2:30.
We will post some photo's soon!

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